When asked what is the most popular search engine to date, every single person would say one simple word; Google. That’s why it’s so important to rank well and get on the first page. Learning how to get a good Google ranking is one of the most important things you can do for your business, because frankly, everyone turns to Google for basically everything!

So if you want to rank higher on Google, read on!

  • Improve your on-site SEO

On-Page SEO is one of the FASTEST ways to improve your Google rankings. That’s because you can optimize your page in about 2 minutes. And start to see a rankings boost within days.

Question is:

HOW do you optimize your site around your target keywords?

First of all, make sure your desired keyword is at the beginning of the title. This concept is known as “frontloading” your keyword. This is crucial because Google puts more emphasis on terms that show up at the beginning of your title tag. Latter ones get less attention.

Secondly, make sure your content comprises of at least 1800 words.

  • Create high-quality content

Google’s algorithm is largely based on backlinks (definition). The more backlinks your site has, the higher you’ll rank. And what’s the best way to create backlinks? Create content people will actually read and send to others! Publishing content that people will actually link to is called “link bait”. So yeah, you do have to make pretty high-quality content, which needs to be the type of content that people share on social media… and link to. Publish something that other people can cite in their blog content. Posts, blogs, and articles  packed with data, stats and figures is the exact type of thing that bloggers and journalists LOVE to link to. Additionally, longer content is great for getting links!

  • Build plenty of backlinks for your company

Publishing amazing content is great and all, but for your content to get links people need to actually see it.

In other words:

You can’t just take a “publish and pray” approach to content marketing and HOPE that people link to you. That’s because your content is a drop in an ocean of blog posts, videos, Instagram stories and Facebook posts that come out every single day. In fact, WordPress reports that 70 million new posts come out every month. If you want people to link to your site, you need to actively promote your content.

  • Monitor your technical SEO

Even though they’re rare, technical SEO problems can really hurt your site’s SEO. So they’re worth paying attention to. Specifically, here are three things to keep an eye on:

The first thing I recommend is to double-check that your site is 100% optimized for mobile devices. It’s 2022. So this probably isn’t an issue for you. But it never hurts to check. Fortunately, checking your site’s mobile optimization is an absolute cinch. All you need to do is use plug a URL from your website into the Mobile-Friendly Testing tool from Google.

  • Reduce your bounce rate

Our next step is to improve your site’s Bounce Rate. Why does this matter? Google doesn’t like to see people landing on a site… and quickly bouncing back to the search results. This is a clear sign to Google that people aren’t happy. and if users aren’t happy, you can kiss your rankings bye-bye. Needless to say, lining up your content with Search Intent is a GREAT way to improve your bounce rate. People decide to bounce or not bounce largely on what they see here. The #1 thing you can do to improve your above the fold area is to push your content to the top. That way, Google searchers can easily find what they’re looking for. Lastly, add visuals, videos, charts, screenshots, selfies… or any form of visual content you can to your page.

And lastly;

  • Track and monitor your results

Rankings are great and all. But when it comes to measuring the results of SEO marketing, NOTHING beats organic traffic. That’s mostly because rankings can be deceiving; the #2 result in Google sometimes gets more clicks than the #1 result. Keep an eye out for how your content is performing and gauge accordingly!