It seems like, over the past few years, social media has taken over every aspect of our lives, including the business side. Without a strong social media game plan, campaigns just don’t seem to work. However, if not executed correctly, it can also become a huge waste of time and assets. Here are 5 key mistakes businesses make with their social media efforts and what you can do to turn things around!

  • Lack of A Solid Strategy

As it is with any other aspect in a business, social media marketing requires an solid plan. Without knowing your audience and your goals, your social media presence can wind up being half-hearted, unfocused and ineffective. A well thought out plan can make or break your campaign, which is why it is essential to strategize every move you make on your social media platforms, including but not limited to types of content, language, and interactions.

  • Analytics: Your Secret Weapon!

Did you know that all  the big social media platforms provide you with invaluable analytics and data to help you gain insight into your social media plan? This way, you can tell what is and isn’t working for you with a simple click! Analytics can help you to fine tune your posts and give your audience more of what they like to improve your posts’ engagement rates and visibility. You can learn your current audience’s age group, times spent online, and even their gender! It makes identifying your ideal content much easier, and helps you keep your audience engaged and loyal!

  • Shell Out For Ads

Trying to keep your reach totally organic? That might be more difficult than you realized. It’s now tougher than ever for businesses to reach their audience without using paid social media advertising. Having an online presence is great, but if you’re only broadcasting to a handful of people, is it really worth it in the long run? Through careful audience targeting, you can make a modest advertising budget go a long way on social media.

  • Get on The Right Platforms

Social media has now come to encompass so many platforms, it can be confusing to decide which one suits your business. LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter; these are the most commonly used. However, should you start a YouTube channel? Will Pinterest help or harm you? Sometimes, a certain platform can do more harm than good.  Having an in-depth understanding of how each platform works and the demographic that uses it can help you to focus your efforts, helping you receive the best ROI.


  • Engage With Your Audience!

Once you’ve got your strategy down-pat, everything is smooth sailing, right? 


Simply updating your status on social media is not enough. Your followers want to see content that they find engaging or useful, not the same old marketing messages. This will cause them to get bored and unfollow you. You should use social media to add extra value to your service, creating content that your audience will find interesting or helpful, rather than posting for the sake of it. 

Now that you can identify the chinks in your social media armor, establish your social media presence! If you’re struggling to find the time to work social media to your advantage, then why not trying outsourcing? DMA isn’t limited to production work!